Breathe First Logo

Myofunctional Therapy, Breathing Re-education and Specialist Speech and Language Therapy in Manchester

Breathe First

Functional breathing and proper oral function underpin our health, growth, and nervous system regulation. 

Breathe First brings breathing re-education and Myofunctional Therapy alongside Speech and Language Therapy to improve outcomes for our patients' wellbeing and communication.

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NEW Event - Tongue Tie Awareness for Vocal Coaches - 20th May @ 8pm
About Me

Friendly Treatment

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I’m Emily, the Owner and Lead Clinician at Breathe First with over 20 Years of experience in SALT, AOMT & Buteyko Breathing.

I pride myself on a high quality of patient care, with trust being at the centre of the therapeutic relationship.

Emily Kirkcaldy


What We Offer

Conditions / Concerns We Treat


Speech sound production (articulation, phonology and motor speech disorders), voice disorders, stammering

Mouth Breathing

Breathing / Low Oral Tone day and/or night with the mouth open and lips parted.

Tongue Tie / Oral restriction

Breathing day and/or night with the mouth open and lips parted.


Sleep Disordered Breathing

Breathing day and/or night with the mouth open and lips parted.



When the tongue pushes forwards into or through the teeth to swallow- forces affecting dentition and much more.

Thumb sucking and habit remediation

Thumb sucking, dummy or bottle over-use , lip or cheek biting.


Supporting brain and body functions to work together for better function.

Malocclusion / Orthodontic Retention

Jaw Discomfort and TMJD


Oral preparatory phase of chewing/swallowing.

What we offer

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Myofunctional Therapy

Neurological re-education and re-patterning of the oral, facial and oropharyngeal (back of the throat) muscles.  It consists of a series of customised exercises, to educate the muscles of the face and mouth to restore their proper function. 

We work with both adults and children to help correct function.

Buteyko Breathing

Learn the principles of functional breathing, and practise Buteyko Breathing techniques to achieve functional nasal breathing.

This service is offered as part of Myofunctional Therapy or Speech Therapy, when required.

Corporate Training & Consultation

Workplace wellness workshops- targeted to the needs of your workforce. 

Awareness training sessions for Speech and Language and Dental Practices, as well as within Educational settings.

Second opinions and supervIsion to Speech and Dental Professionals

Specialist Speech Therapy

Targeted speech and oromotor therapy for clearer speech, improved feeding and better sensory integration for children.

Articulation, fluency and voice work for children and adults, alongside breath work and Myofunctional Therapy.

What Patients Say


I'm a professional singer and vocal coach and have been working with Emily for a couple of months due to having a tongue tie. I'm part way through my treatment and am already sleeping more deeply than I ever have in my life, and falling asleep much more quickly than I used to. I'm experiencing less pain in my neck/jaw, my singing voice is fatiguing less, and my tongue literally looks different now because it is so much stronger! After years of struggling, it feels amazing to be working with someone who understands and to see these improvements after such a short time. My confidence has improved so much that I have said yes to 2 new singing projects that I previously wouldn't have felt capable of doing. Highly recommended!

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Gemma Milburn
Vocal Coach


Working with Emily has been one of the best investments I've ever made in myself.

I originally approached Emily to help with some TMJ pain I'd had for a number of years. From the very first meeting we had, it was clear she was an expert in all things myo, and explained that a tongue tie was likely contributing to my issues.

Initially we had weekly sessions to work through various exercises tailored to me, and Emily has always been really clear about why we're doing particular things, and will adapt to my needs too.

The differences I've noticed from myo with Emily have been huge - along with my TMJ disappearing, I'm breathing better, sleeping better, looking better and even my posture has improved!

Emily was also able to recommend other experts to help on my journey, and joined me a couple of weeks ago for my tongue tie release procedure.

This has been a transformational experience for me, and I'd encourage anyone thinking about myo to work with Emily - the range of benefits of myo are huge, and Emily is one of the kindest, most well-informed and all-round lovely people I've worked with.

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Georgina Moores


We rate Emily highly! Emily is organised and thorough when it comes to her assessment’s and report’s. Therapy sessions with Emily are always very informative. Emily is professional but also kind and patient. Myofunctional therapy has made a big difference to my son in a short space of time.

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Katherine Vines


Emily was friendly and gave me excellent advice and guidance on my swallowing problem including holistic remedies I could adopt. I highly recommend Emily.

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Donna Davies


Emily is an extremely skilled therapist. Her service has been excellent, she has gone above and beyond to help me to reduce tension and increase function in my tongue, lips and jaw for singing and better sleep, and provide vital support before and after a frenectomy procedure. She has also helped with my son who has oromyofunctional difficulties and has a lovely manner with children too. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to feel in good hands and to breathe, sleep, speak, live better.

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Holly Maya Greenwood

You are in good hands

Breathe First's teams have over 20 Years of experience in SALT, AOMT & Buteyko Breathing.

Years of experience

Approved & certified by

We are here to help

Life is busy and that is why we are flexible with providing therapy online. Typically we ask for a initial face-to-face consultation.

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consultation available

Face to face

clinic available

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Tongue Tie Awareness for Vocal Coaches

Discover more about oral dysfunction in this free webinar for Vocal Coaches. Explore the impact of incorrect oral posture and tongue tie on breathing, sleeping and oral function.