In our Manchester, Newcastle and pop up clinic’s we carry out a full assessment of orofacial myofunctional disorders, which will include a detailed consultation exploring:
Your history and symptoms
Oral examination, measurements, photographs, observations of breathing
Observation of breathing, and assessment of speech sounds and swallowing
Following your appointment, we will provide a detailed report of findings and recommendations, which may include onward referrals.
Your first therapy session will take place in our clinic, and it may be necessary to visit the clinic midway through your therapy. All other sessions will take place online.
Each session, you will be given a set of exercises to carry out at least twice daily, until your next appointment.
Therapy for adults and children
Sessions are initially weekly
Reduce in frequency once we enter the next phases of treatment.
You will be given a set of exercises to carry out at least twice daily, until your next appointment.
Oral Motor Speech and Feeding Therapy for Special Educational Needs
Enhance overall development and progress in standard speech therapy with a blend of breathing, sensory integration and oral motor therapy.
We bring together aspects of breathing, sensory and tactile input to enhance children’s focus, speech clarity, feeding skills and more.
Buteyko Breathing
You will learn the principles of functional breathing, and practise Buteyko Breathing techniques to achieve functional nasal breathing.
This service is offered as part of Myofunctional Therapy or Speech Therapy, when required.
Consultation for Practices and Businesses
Training and workshops for Speech and Language Therapy, Dental Practices and Educational Settings, on the importance of nasal breathing and proper oral function.
Second opinions and supervision are also available.