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My Mouth and My Feelings: A Parent’s Guide to Empowering Children’s Emotional and Oral Wellness (Digital Download)


“My Mouth and My Feelings” is a must-have digital download for parents seeking to help their children overcome unhealthy oral habits like biting or sucking. This engaging and colourful social story teaches children the importance of healthy mouth habits and provides practical, kid-friendly strategies for self-regulation during moments of big emotions. By implementing the techniques presented in this guide, parents can support their child’s emotional well-being, proper oral development, and overall confidence.


“My Mouth and My Feelings” is a must-have digital download for parents seeking to help their children overcome unhealthy oral habits like biting or sucking. Created by Emily Kirkcaldy, a speech-language, Myofunctional, and Buteyko therapist with over 20 years of experience working with children, this engaging and colourful social story teaches the importance of healthy mouth habits and provides practical, kid-friendly strategies for self-regulation during moments of big emotions. By implementing the techniques presented in this guide, parents can support their child’s emotional well-being, proper oral development, and overall confidence.

Key Benefits for Your Child

Develop Emotional Self-Regulation Skills: “My Mouth and My Feelings” provides you with the tools to teach your child healthy alternatives to unhelpful oral habits when coping with strong emotions like anger, excitement, embarrassment, or sadness.

Promote Proper Oral Development: By learning the importance of keeping lips closed and tongue on the roof of the mouth when not eating, drinking, or talking, your child will benefit from proper facial growth and development.

Learn Easy-to-implement, Kid-Friendly Strategies: The guide presents four helpful mouth habits that you can easily introduce to your child, such as rubbing the roof of the mouth with the tongue, using a special chew toy, blowing imaginary bubbles, and humming with a smile.

Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem: As your child learns to replace unhelpful habits with helpful ones, you’ll witness an increase in their sense of accomplishment and pride in their ability to self-regulate, leading to improved confidence and happiness.

Enhance Overall Well-Being: By instilling healthy mouth habits in your child, “My Mouth and My Feelings” contributes to better breathing, improved focus, and increased calmness, supporting your child’s overall physical and emotional well-being.




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